Monday, April 13, 2009

Who is going to want an Angela Photography t-shirt anyway?

It's been said to me by other photographers that my website isn't "professional enough". That it's not the clean conservative website that my peers are showing.  They can't believe I have a flashy logo, and now I'm going to have a t-shirt!  "You are not selling a brand, " they tell me.   My response to them, and anyone else who wants to put me inside a box is that I just got tired of looking at hundreds of boring ass slow loading photography websites.  I am so sick of simple, clean, and boring.  I want people to smile when they come to my site, not just because they enjoy the photography, but also because it's a good overall experience.  No, I am not a graphic designer, but I work with talented graphic designers who layout my photos and can create an even better packaging of my work.  Why not embrace that?  If the layout of the website or my logo turns you off then you probably wouldn't like working with me. I am a perfectionist at work, but I also like to have fun.  I love what I do, and I've been told that it shows when I work. 
That said, I have teamed up with an amazing graphic designer Chris Rucker, at to design my first t-shirt.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on the shirt - whatever they may be!  Lemme know if you'd wear it.  


writethisshitdown said...

The pictures are great. Thanks so much for the advance look at them. I know the timing wasn't exactly what you normally do, but they look just like we wanted them to. I would rather have your style instead of that sorry ass picture people place in the mall that so many people go to. We hope you'll be willing to do it again sometime.

Chris Green said...

me me me.

Danielle Hall Images said...

Wow...thats crazy that other photographers are saying that you "arent a brand". Hello! We are selling our personalities, photographic styles, the way we see things visually... Makes me wonder how these photographers are marketing themselves...if they are marketing at all. You kidding! Its all about branding yourself and marketing that brand!

Those probably are not the people you need to get any kind of constructive feedback from. Including for your shirt design. It may be more worth your time and energy to ask photographers who are where you want to be and whose work you admire. Then ask AD's, CDs, AB's and editors who you have worked with for feedback.

The other people...well... the other people dont really know what their talking about.

Makes me so aggravated...

Unknown said...

I think the t-shirt looks awesome, and I've always loved Chris Rucker's designs! Can I get one? :)

Mac Girl said...

Dude, Angela... I would so wear this. Did you make these? Why didn't I know about it?! I'd so wear Angela supportage!

Stevi Clack

I was just checking up on your blog and site, seeing what's new and all! Hope everything is going well in NY!

You're great and you have great spirits! A great person to look up to!